4-Line Automatic Call Announcer!
Remind callers that they're being recorded. Keep all your recordings court legal. Add warning messages to the start of every call.Quick, simple installation
Just snap a cable (included) to your analog phone line and you're done! Choose a pre-recorded messages, or make your own custom message. This call announcer does not "seize" the phone line, so no PBX programming is required. It works great with any phone system!Priced right. $74 per line.
At $295 for a four-line announcer, the price-per-line just can't be beat. These announcers are ideal for government,and business applications. They easily expand easily.Order Today - Risk Free
Your announcer and accessories are in stock, ready for overnight shipment. Call (408) 330-5599 today for a 15-day risk free evaluation, or order online.
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