Only WiFi capable power controllers with firmware 1.10.x or greater support token
These examples are using cURL.
*Some curl versions may not authenticate properly when using digest
This version of curl is
tested and works well in Windows.
To use the REST API, enable the "Allow REST-style API" on the External APIs page of the power controller
It is now possible to grant "clients" specific access permissions. These clients are separate from the users with access to the web UI.
Clients must to use the RESTful API to control and query the power controller.
First you must create the access tokens. It is easy to create the tokens buy using tools from within
the secure shell of the controller itself.
Create a registration command that will register the client and permissions in the power controller.
This registration command is using DaveSmith as the user name and the client
name. (no usage limit)
Have a smart way to use your power switch?
We'll acknowledge your contribution. Learn more about scripting here
or AutoPing here.
This is the raw, possibly 8-bit, data which everything else is derived from.
You want to use a very random phrase.
TOKEN_BASE64URL="`echo -n "$TOKEN_RAW_DATA" | openssl base64 -e |tr -d '='|tr '+/' '-_'`"
That's the encoded token data you'll be sending in requests
TOKEN_HASH="`echo -n "$TOKEN_RAW_DATA" | openssl sha256 -r | awk '{print $1}'`"
This will be sent to the server for registration below
For "Hello", it should output
For "Hello", it should output SGVsbG8
Registration Example 1
curl -k -u admin:1234 -X PUT -H "X-CSRF: x" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary {\"name\":\"user2\",\"redirect_urls\":{},\"scopes\":{\"/relay/outlets/all;/=name/\":true,\"/relay/outlets/=1,3,5/=state,transient_state,physical_state/?access=get\":true,\"/relay/outlets/3/=state,transient_state/?access=modify\":true,\"/relay/outlets/5/=cycle/?access=invoke,get\":true,\"/meter/values/all;/value/\":true},\"refresh_tokens\":{},\"access_tokens\":{\"185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969\":{\"remaining_use_count\":3000}}} --digest ""
The name must be alphanumeric with no spaces.
The client must be alphanumeric with no spaces.
Remaining use count can be blank if no limit is needed. E.g.: {}
It may be helpful for auditing if the client and the name are the same.
In this example, this is the scope of permissions for the above registration: *Remember REST API outlets are zero indexed.
\"/relay/outlets/all;/=name/\":true, -- Full control over all outlet names
\"/relay/outlets/=1,3,5/=state,transient_state,physical_state/?access=get\":true, -- Get the state of outlets 2, 4 and 6
\"/relay/outlets/3/=state,transient_state/?access=modify,get\":true, -- Turn on/off outlet 4, get the status
\"/relay/outlets/5/=cycle/?access=invoke,get\":true, -- Cycle outlet 6 only, get the results
\"/meter/values/all;/value/\":true -- Read all meter values
Command Examples 1
// Cycle outlet 6
curl -k -D - -H "Authorization: Bearer testclient.SGVsbG8" -X POST -H "X-CSRF: x" --digest ""
// Turn on outlet 4
curl -k -D - -H "Authorization: Bearer testclient.SGVsbG8" -X PUT -H "X-CSRF: x" --data "value=true" --digest ""
Log output:
2021-05-22 08:23:10 user.notice auth[1261]: access allowed for user2 (testclient@], bearer)
2021-05-22 08:23:10 user.notice relay.state[1034]: Outlet 4: Configured state set to On by client testclient from] via web ui
2021-05-22 08:23:10 user.notice relay.state[1034]: Outlet 4: Physical state set to On by relay hardware via relay
** Note that user2 is the testclient. For this reason, it makes
more sense
to use the same name for the "name" and "client name" as shown below.
Registration Example 2
-- Turn ON/Off outlets 3, 4 and 6, Cycle outlets 3, 4 and 6, Get the state of all outtlets, Run a script, enable/disable WiFi
curl -u admin:1234 -k -X PUT -H "X-CSRF: x" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary {\"name\":\"DaveSmith\",\"redirect_urls\":{},\"scopes\":{\"/relay/outlets/all;/=name/\":true,\"/relay/outlets/all;/=state,transient_state,physical_state/?access=get\":true,\"/relay/outlets/=2,3,5;/=state,transient_state/?access=modify,get\":true,\"/relay/outlets/=2,3,6/=cycle/?access=invoke,get\":true,\"/network/wireless/enabled/?access=modify,get\":true,\"/script/start/?access=invoke\":true},\"refresh_tokens\":{},\"access_tokens\":{\"185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969\":{}}} --digest ""
Permissions breakout
\"/relay/outlets/all;/=name/\":true, // Full control over outlet names
\"/relay/outlets/all;/=state,transient_state,physical_state/?access=get\":true, //Get the stat us of all outelts
// turn on/off outlets 3, 4 and 6
\"/relay/outlets/=2,3,6/=cycle/?access=get,invoke\":true, // cycle outlets 3, 4 and 7
\"/network/wireless/enabled/?access=modify,get\":true, // enable/disable, get the state of WiFi
\"/script/start/?access=get,invoke\":true // run a script,
get the results
Note: get,invoke access allows you to read the results of the command and get the same output as standard REST API usage.
Command Examples 2
// Turn on outlet 2
curl -D - -H "Authorization: Bearer DaveSmith.SGVsbG8" -k -X PUT -H "X-CSRF: x" --data "value=true" --digest ""
// Cycle outlet 4
curl -k -D - -H "Authorization: Bearer DaveSmith.SGVsbG8" -X POST -H "X-CSRF: x" --digest ""
// Run a script called cycle_schedule_1
curl -D - -H "Authorization: Bearer DaveSmith.SGVsbG8" -k -H "X-CSRF: x" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "[{\"user_function\":\"cycle_schedule_1\"}]" --digest ""
// Get the state of all outlets
curl -D - -H "Authorization: Bearer DaveSmith.SGVsbG8" -k -H "Accept:application/json" --digest;/physical_state/
Notice how the log is easier to read with the client and the name being the
Thu Jun 3 13:14:38 2021 user.notice auth[1271]: access allowed for DaveSmith (DaveSmith@, bearer)
Thu Jun 3 13:14:38 2021 user.notice relay.state[1034]: Outlet 4: Cycle() by client DaveSmith from via web ui
Thu Jun 3 13:14:38 2021 user.notice relay.state[1034]: Outlet 4: Physical state set to Off by relay hardware via relay
Thu Jun 3 13:14:43 2021 user.notice relay.state[1034]: Outlet 4: Physical state set to On by relay hardware via relay