C-13 Power Controller
Updated 10/19/2020 . Download the users guide
with links.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the current and voltage ratings?
What's new in the product?
How do I set up
network access from Windows?
How do I set up
network access from an Apple Macintosh? - Thanks to John McClintock
How can I access the switch
from my own application or remote script? What's the cURL API?
What is the current firmware version?
How do I enable AutoPing?
How do I use Wake on Lan?
What's the Scripting Language all about?
How can I communicate with the unit
using HTTP commands?
How can turn off the start-up beep/alarm?
What's syslog? How can I
keep an event log?
What is the default IP address?
How do I reset to defaults?
What is the default password?
On initial setup, I can't establish a Ethernet communications from a Windows PC. Help!
Do I need a crossover
How can I control the switch from my own applications? How
can I send HTTP requests?
Can you develop custom firmware for my application?
Can you develop custom hardware for my application?
Do you support PowerMan?
Can you explain the auto-ping settings?
What are the CRITICAL and PROTECT functions?
How can I connect to Google Assistant or Google Home?
How can I connect via IFTTT?
Do you have a Visual Basic.NET
example program? Thanks to Alan Holmes
Do you have a Python programming example?
Do you have a
C++ programming example?
Do you have a
.NET programming example?
Do you have a
Java programming example?
Do you have a
compiled Windows command line
tool or a Perl example?
Do you have a Crestron control module?
Where can I find iPhone, iPad,
or Android apps for
Digital Loggers?
Question: | What's new in the product? |
Answer: | It's just released. We've added higher-reliability relays, incorporated a bright LCD, a software-controlled beeper/alarm, and more memory. We also reduced power consumption. EEPROM memory has doubled and there's a smart circuit to protect against power brown-outs. There are plenty of firmware upgrades too including the popular Wake On Lan (WOL) feature. |
Question: | What is the current version of firmware? |
Answer: | The current version is on the update page Find the revision history here, and firmware update instructions here. |
Question: | How do I disable the start-up beep/alarm? |
Answer: | Be sure that firmware version 1.8.2 or higher is installed with your
order to have access to the "Quick Startup" option in the recovery section.
This enables an abbreviated POST with no beep (except for vital errors). |
Question: | How can I control the switch from my own applications? |
Answer: |
Download the latest User Utility.
There are programming examples from several languages listed in the top section.
Also included is PowerMan support for Linux.
Windows users can download a Perl interpreter to run the script version. This script (ver 4.0) is compatible with all DLI power controllers. |
Question: | Can you develop custom hardware for my application? |
Answer: | Gladly. We've done this for many customers. Please call with your requirements |
Question: | Do you support PowerMan? |
Answer: | Yes, absolutely. The latest code is added to the tarball. Download the latest User Utility here. |

If we haven't answered your questions here, please call (408) 330-5599 or send us an email.
We'll be glad to help.
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